Position of centre of gravity in different species: A review
Anupam Soni, Sharad Mishra, AK Santra, VN Khune, Rupal Pathak, MD Bobade, Ashutosh Dubey, Sudheer Bhagat and Subhrajit Das
The animal movement is depends upon the distribution of body weight in all limbs. The point of centre of gravity to measures the distribution of body weight in all limbs. The location of centre of gravity varied with the age, sex and species of the animals. In cattle, the actual location of centre of gravity is exactly not known. While, in horse the centre of gravity lies below wither and around the heart girth, in cat and dog it lies near the fore limb and in squirrel and bears, the centre of gravity lies towards rear legs. In cattle, the point of centre of gravity play crucial role in their locomotion, any alteration in normal position may be the reason for the lameness in cattle and can have adverse effect on reproductive and productive performance.
Anupam Soni, Sharad Mishra, AK Santra, VN Khune, Rupal Pathak, MD Bobade, Ashutosh Dubey, Sudheer Bhagat, Subhrajit Das. Position of centre of gravity in different species: A review. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(1):496-499.