Studies on seasonal incidence of leaf eating caterpillar, Spodoptera litura (Fab.)infesting capsicumunder polyhouse condition
AA Tompe, UB Hole, SR Kulkarni, CS Chaudhari and SK Chavan
The present investigation was conducted to study the seasonal incidence of leaf eating caterpillar, Spodoptera litura infesting capsicum under polyhouse condition indicated that 0.67 moths per trap was first noticed in 27 MW and then it gradually increased to 7.67 moths per trap in 38 MW and finally declined to 0.5 moths per trap in 48 MW. While larval population of S. litura was noticed from 29 to 49 MW; which was ranged from 0.17 to 9.12 larvae per plant. The peak larval incidence was noticed during 39 MW; which was then gradually declined at 49 MW. The meteorological parameters Tmax, Tmin, RH-I and RH-II as 30.2 oC, 20.8 oC, 87% and 56%, respectively, prevailed during previous week i. e 38 MW appeared to be congenial for the multiplication of leaf eating caterpillar recorded in 39 MW. The per cent fruit damage ranged from 3.14 to 38.10, however, maximum and minimum per cent fruit damage recorded in 40 and 49 MWs, respectively.
Correlation of weather parameters with S. litura infestation on capsicum revealed that maximum temperature and morning relative humidity had positive correlation with moth population and fruit infestation by this pest. On the contrary minimum temperature and evening relative humidity had negative correlation with the pest; while larval population of S. litura had positively significant correlation with maximum temperature and evening relative humidity.