Efficacy of new insecticide chemistry tolfenpyrad 15% EC against insect pests of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)
Shivaleela G and Rajesh Chowdary L
Field trials were carried out to evaluate the bio efficacy of tolfenpyrad 15% EC against insect pests of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). The experiment was grounded with seven treatments with three doses of Tolfenpyrad 15% EC @ 100.5, 124.5 and 150 g a.i. /ha along with standard insecticides viz., Imidacloprid 17.8% SL @ 22.5 g a.i. /ha, Fipronil 5% SC @ 40 g a.i. /ha, and Chlorpyriphos 20% EC @ 200 g a.i./ha were used for comparison. Overall, the field trials revealed that, tolfenpyrad 15 EC @ 150 g a.i/ha provided cross-spectrum and superior in managing the leafhoppers, thrips and red pumpkin beetles with highest yield in highest dosage of tolfenpyrad 15% EC @ 150 g a.i./ha and it was at par with its next lowest dosage treatments of tolfenpyrad 15% EC @ 124.5 g a.i./ha and 100.50 g a.i./ha which recorded 5.85 t/ha and 5.21 t/ha in the year 2015-16 and similar trend during 2016-17 with highest yield of 5.75 t/ha was noticed in the highest dosage of tolfenpyrad 15% EC @ 150 g a.i./ha followed by next dosage treatments. Whereas the standard insecticides, Fipronil 5% SC @ @ 40 g a.i. /ha was found next most effective in the mean reduction of sucking pests in both the years.