Host plant resistance in cultivated jute towards hairy caterpillar, Spilosoma obliqua
AA Bhosale and UB Hole
The experiment laid out in randomized block design with three replications and ten treatments with view of screening of jute cultivars against jute hairy caterpillar. Twenty cultivars were selected and considered as treatments with three replications.
An investigation on varietal screening of jute cultivars against S. obliqua were undertaken with a view to find out the source of resistance. The average population of S. obliqua was recorded minimum on jute genotype OIN- 94 (0.22 larvae/ mrl) and it was significantly superior to the rest of the genotypes evaluated. However, the genotypes OIN- 97 (1.29 larvae/ mrl) and OIN - 92 (1.96 larvae/ mrl) were the next best ones on the basis of recorded larval population and at par with genotype OIN- 94.The maximum larval population per mrl was recorded on the genotypes OIN- 87 (12.77 larvae/ mrl) and OIN- 104 (11.44 larvae/ mrl) and found to be susceptible to S. obliqua infestation.
The results according to plant damage concluded that the genotypes like OIN- 94 (3.33% plant damage; 114.34 cm plant height; 30.33 leaves/ plant) and OIN- 97 (6.67% plant damage; 124.34 cm plant height; 42.82 leaves/plant) were least attacked by S. obliqua and hence found promising. Whereas, OIN -87 (36.67% plant damage; 173.34 cm plant height; 72.00 no. of leaves/ plant) and OIN- 100 (30.00% plant damage; 162.17 cm plant height; 45.83 leaves/plant) were highly susceptible to S. obliqua incidence.
Also the different plant characteristics viz., plant height, leaf area, No. of leaves per plant, basal girth of stem, moisture and chlorophyll content of leaves were recorded at different growth stages i.e., 50, 80 and 110 DAS and correlation studies were made between plant characteristics and larval population of S. obliqua as well as per cent plant damage by S. obliqua. The results on plant characteristics revealed that, plant height (r = 0.934) and number of leaves (r = 0.844) showed significant influence on incidence of hairy caterpillar); while other plant characters viz., basal girth of stem, leaf area, moisture and total chlorophyll content of leaves showed non- significant correlation with pest incidence. Similar results were obtained when plant characteristics correlated with per cent plant damage by S. obliqua.
This correlation concluded that the genotypes with more plant height and No. of leaves/ plant are prone to damage by S. obliqua, So on basis of this conclusion the genotypes OIN-94, OIN-92 and OIN- 97 were least attacked by S. obliqua and hence found resistant. Whereas, OIN- 87, OIN- 100 and OIN- 104 were highly susceptible to S. obliqua incidence.