Assessment of protective clothing for pesticide applicators while spraying in different crops
M Bhavya Manjari, RVT Balazzii Naaiik, M Swetha, P Vijay Kumar, BV Rajkumar, D Vijaya Lakshmi, Maloth Mohan and C Padma Veni
Majority of farmers rely on pesticides and fertilizers to increase yields. Farmer suffers from various ailments due to spraying of such pesticides such as nausea, vomiting, headache, skin disorders, digestive problems and breathing problems. Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Rudrur had been used the protective clothing, which contains Gloves, Mask, Apron (old white cotton shirt) Cap, Sun glasses, this technology proved technologically feasible, economically profitable, ecologically sustainable and culturally compatible. Structured schedule was prepared for getting farmers response or feedback about protective clothing. Farmers opined that protective clothing has excellent to good functional features i.e suitability, comfort ability, durability; adoption feasibility. Majority of farmers had positive opinion about protective clothing that it protects the body from external matters and reduces health hazards. Farmers expressed that with the utilization of protective clothing, the morbidity / health hazards were decreased over a period of time from day onetoday thirty.
M Bhavya Manjari, RVT Balazzii Naaiik, M Swetha, P Vijay Kumar, BV Rajkumar, D Vijaya Lakshmi, Maloth Mohan, C Padma Veni. Assessment of protective clothing for pesticide applicators while spraying in different crops. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(1):942-948.