Population fluctuation of brinjal shoot and fruit borer (Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee) in Eastern Uttar Pradesh
Ankur Prakash Verma, Umesh Chandra, Pankaj Batham and Anuj Shakya
The present investigation was carried out during the Kharif season, 2017-18 at Student’s Instructional Farm, N. D. University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Faizabad (U.P.). The incidence of brinjal shoot and fruit borer (Leucinodes orbonalis) were recorded. Maximum and minimum shoot infestation was recorded in 48th SW and 4th SW i.e. 7.42 and 0.13 shoot damage/plant respectively. Maximum and minimum fruit infestation was recorded in 48th SW and 4th SW i.e. 8.04 and 0.81 fruit damage/plant respectively. Correlation coefficient was worked out between the incidence of insect pests and abiotic factors. In case of shoot infestation by brinjal shoot and fruit borer, the correlation was positive with maximum temperature while it was negative with minimum temperature, RH and rainfall. In case of fruit infestation by brinjal shoot and fruit borer, the correlation was negative with minimum and maximum temperature as well as with RH and rainfall.