Comparative study on different mulberry spacing and its impact on mulberry leaf yield and silkworm rearing
Vinod Kumar Yadav, M Noble Morrison, Arunakumar GS, Dhaneshwar Padhan, Praveen Kumar K, V Sivaprasad and Pankaj Tewary
Optimum crop geometry is one of the important factor for better root growth and its spread utilizes the resources such as water, nutrients, space and also it can be harvest sufficient solar radiation in enhancing the mulberry leaf production as well as silkworm rearing. Therefore, keeping this point in view, a survey was conducted on mulberry fields of 30 farmers who adopted different wider spacing in three districts of Karnataka viz., Ramanagara, Chikkabalapura and Kolar. Data was collected on mulberry growth and yield parameters, number of dfls and cocoon yield per 100 dfls. The result on growth and yield parameters of mulberry at different spacing varied significantly. The maximum plant height (194.56cm), number of branches per plant (13.59) number of leaves per plant (286.27) and leaf yield per plant (1.35kg) was recorded with spacing 270cm x 60cm followed by 240cm x 60cm. The average eight crops data indicated that the maximum mulberry leaf was recorded with spacing (150+90)cm x 60cm (13174.83 kg/ha/crop) followed by 90cm x 90cm (11732 kg/ha/crop and minimum leaf observed with 270cm x 60cm (8842.17 kg/ha/crop) followed by 240cm x 60cm (10547.67 kg/ha/crop). Highest dfls/crop/acre was recorded with spacing 180cm x 60cm (191.67 dfls/ crop/ acre) and it was at par with spacing 240cm x 60cm (187.50 dfls/ crop/ acre). The highest cocoon yield per 100 dfls was recorded in mulberry spacing 270cm x 60cm (84.83kg) followed by 240cm x 60cm (80kg). During the present study maximum leaf yield was recorded with (150+90)cm x 60cm spacing. Since this method of spacing is popular among the seri-farmers it can be recommended where the irrigation facility is available. Under the sub-optimal conditions 240cm x 60cm spacing can be recommended to get higher mulberry leaf yield, rearing capacity dfls/crop/acre and cocoon yield per 100 dfls.
Vinod Kumar Yadav, M Noble Morrison, Arunakumar GS, Dhaneshwar Padhan, Praveen Kumar K, V Sivaprasad, Pankaj Tewary. Comparative study on different mulberry spacing and its impact on mulberry leaf yield and silkworm rearing. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(1):1110-1115.