Relative bio-efficacy of different insecticides against major insect pests infesting cabbage under field condition
KY Bhure, HV Pandya and BV Naikwadi
The efficacy of different insecticides against major insect pests of cabbage, out of five newer insecticides tested, imidacloprid (0.005%) was found to be the most effective against cabbage aphid, while novaluron (0.007%), emamectin benzoate (0.0015%), deltamethrin (0.00125%) and profenophos (0.05%) were significantly superior against lepidopteron leaf feeding insect pests of cabbage. Novaluron recorded the highest yield of cabbage heads (4938 kg/ha) among all the treatments followed by emamectin benzoate (4629 kg/ha), imidacloprid (4320 kg/ha), profenophos (4320 kg/ha) and deltamethrin (3703 kg/ha). However, the highest cost benefit ratio of (1:17.88) was obtained in the treatment of imidacloprid followed by profenophos, novaluron, and deltamethrin and emamectin benzoate in the order of merit.
KY Bhure, HV Pandya, BV Naikwadi. Relative bio-efficacy of different insecticides against major insect pests infesting cabbage under field condition. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(1):1158-1164.