Growth performance and nutrient utilization in growing buffalo calves as affected by replacing groundnut cake with roasted guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) korma
Sandeep Chhikara, Nand Kishore, SS Dahiya, Dhawal Kant Yadav, Jyotsana Khaliya and Sube Singh
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of feeding roasted guar korma by replacing groundnut cake (C) at 50 per cent level (T1) and 100 per cent level (T2) on protein basis, on growth performance in female buffalo calves. Roasted guar korma is a by-product of guar gum manufacturing and is a high vegetable protein feed. 18 female buffalo calves were grouped randomly in all three treatments and a growth trial of 150 days was conducted. The intakes of wheat straw, concentrate and total DM were similar in all the groups. A digestibility trial was conducted at the end of the experiment and the difference in digestibility of proximate nutrients and cell wall constituents between various treatment groups and the nutritive value of the ration was found to be statistically non-significant (P< 0.05). Total live weight gain in 150 days and average daily gain were found to be significantly higher in T2 than C, but were comparable to T1 for both the groups. There was no significant difference in FCR and FCE among calves in three treatment groups, but FCR of calves in T2 group was less than the other two groups, indicating high FCE in T2. The cost of ration consumed daily and the cost of dry matter required per kg body weight gain were also lower in T2 as compared to the other two groups. Hence, roasted guar korma can be added at 50 or 100 per cent level in diet, as a protein source, of growing buffalo calves, without affecting the DM intake, nutrient utilization, growth and cost of feeding.