Comparison of multifilament polyamide (PA) stringless (with fixed pockets) and multifilament polyamide (PA) stringed cast net operated in Dal Lake, Kashmir
Mudassir Azhar, Leela Edwin, B Manoj Kumar, Saly N Thomas and MP Remesan
The present study was conducted in the Dal lake of Kashmir using two types of cast net viz., polyamide (PA) multifilament stringless with fixed pockets and polyamide (PA) multifilament stringed cast net to assess the catch composition and length weight distribution of fishes caught in the nets and to compare their catching efficiency in this lake.The study was based on 50 operations by each type of gear. A total of 9 species of fishes were caught in the study period. It was observed that Schizothorax labiatus (20.7%), Schizothorax niger (17.7%) and Cyprinus carpio communis (12.2%) dominated the catches. The average number and weight of fish caught was 2 and 126 g in PA multifilament stringless with fixed pockets cast net.
Mudassir Azhar, Leela Edwin, B Manoj Kumar, Saly N Thomas, MP Remesan. Comparison of multifilament polyamide (PA) stringless (with fixed pockets) and multifilament polyamide (PA) stringed cast net operated in Dal Lake, Kashmir. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(1):1617-1620.