Efficacy of insecticides against the seasonal incidence of major insect-pests of sesamum (Sesamum indicum L.)
Kaushal Kishor, Kabir, Neelam Yadav and Vikrant
An experiment was conducted during Kharif 2013-14 at student instructional farm CSAUAT, Kanpur on seasonal incidence of major insect-pests of sesamum and their management. The experimental results revealed that, the incidence of larval population was 1.17 larvae / plant of Spilarctia obliqua Walk. and 0.39 larvae / plant of Antigastra catalaunalis Dup. in third week of August and maximum population i. e. 2.32 and 1.26 larvae /plant of Spilarctia obliqua Walk. and Antigastra catalaunalis, respectively. Larval population showed increasing trend with the increase in temperature, relative humidity and rainfall and decreases while the larval population got decreases with decrease in temperature, relative humidity and rainfall of both the insect. After spraying of Imidacloprid 17.8 SL (0.01%), Profenophos+Cypermethrin 44 EC (0.05%), Profenophos 50 EC (0.05%), Chlorpyrifos 20 EC (0.05%), Monocrotophos 36 SL (0.05%), Quinalphos 25 EC (0.05%), Fipronil 5 EC (0.05%), Dimethoate 35 EC (0.05%) and Neemarin 15 EC (1.0%), the most effective treatments were found Imidacloprid, Profenophos+Cypermethrin, Profenophos and Chlorpyrifos while least effective treatment was Neemarin. The maximum yield (4.52 q/ ha) was found in Imidacloprid treated plot followed by Profenophos+Cypermethrin (4.45q/ ha), Profenophos (4.20q / ha), Chlorpyrifos (4.13q/ ha), Monocrotophos (4.12q/ ha), Quinalphos (3.95q/ ha), Fipronil (3.95q/ ha) Dimethoate (3.80q/ ha), respectively, while minimum yield (3.42q/ ha) was obtained from Neemarin treated plot.
Kaushal Kishor, Kabir, Neelam Yadav, Vikrant. Efficacy of insecticides against the seasonal incidence of major insect-pests of sesamum (Sesamum indicum L.). J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(1):1635-1638.