Quality assessment of Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) stored in ice
Ketul Patel, NK Suyani and GJ Patel
Study was conducted to assess the changes in the quality of Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) with and without covering of polyethylene bag during ice storage for 3 days. Results indicated that fish preserved under ice without polyethylene covering were spoiled at the end of 3rd day of preservation and lose its freshness and sensory quality attributes. On the other hand fish preserved under ice with covering of polyethylene bag showed significantly higher freshness values and good acceptable sensory quality attributes. Torrymeter values indicated the excellent results for polyethylene covered fish during ice storage. With this results, we can suggest that covering of polyethylene bag prior to chilling can be an excellent and alternative method of fish preservation, which will increase the shelf life of fish which can be sold for longer period of time.