Comparative study on ground structure and wear pattern of dentition in domestic animals
Elizabeth VL Hmangaihzuali, Santosh A Gaikwad, Jyoti Saina, Vanlalngilneii Ralte, Lalrinkima and Timothy Lalmalsawma
The comparative study of dentition was carried out to investigate the difference in ground section and wear pattern of teeth in domestic animals using matured cattle, pig and dog as the representative of herbivores, omnivores and carnivores. For this study teeth of matured male animals were used and 6 set of teeth for each species. Ground structure of teeth was observed without using any histological stain. The section revealed the enamel covering the external surface of crown in all teeth of dog, pig and incisor of cattle while cementum covered the enamel in cheek teeth of cattle. The difference in cementoenamel junction between different species was also observed. Edge to edge pattern in dog and incisor of cattle, overlapping junction in pig and cementum forming the outermost layer in cheek teeth of cattle which is continuous with the roots. The section also revealed demineralized enamel, which is the stage of tooth decay. Tooth wear pattern was studied using Smith and Knight tooth wear index (TWI). The differences in wear pattern and score between different species were observed due to the difference in their food pattern as well as age of the animals. The study was conducted in fully matured male animals which may attribute to the high score in the wear index.
Elizabeth VL Hmangaihzuali, Santosh A Gaikwad, Jyoti Saina, Vanlalngilneii Ralte, Lalrinkima, Timothy Lalmalsawma. Comparative study on ground structure and wear pattern of dentition in domestic animals. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(2):717-721.