First record on incidence and intensity of Phloeobius crassicollis Jord. (Anthribidae: Coleoptera) in natural bamboo stand, from India
KP Singh, Mohd. Yousuf and Mohsin Ikram
Bamboo is one of the important substitutes of timbers in many respects because of its versatile uses in construction of buildings, scaffoldings, making agricultural and industrial implements and value added products etc. Bamboos are attacked by 212 insect species, which cause damage to bamboo right from seeds to finished products. Incidence and intensity of attack by Phloeobius crassicollis were recorded on 10 species of bamboos for the first time. Bambusa wamin was found heavily (44.26%) attacked by followed by Bambusa bambos (31.21%), B. polymorpha (29.93%), Dendrocalamus strictus (28.70 %), B. vulgaris (20.27%), D. calostachyus (19.98%), B. nutans (17.93%), D. giganteus - (17.69%), B. tulda (1.65%) and least affected species was Gigantochloa atroviolacea (1.06%). Per cent attack of Phloeobius crassicollis on bamboos attack species of bamboo was statistically analyzed and found that this borer was creating highest damage in Bambusa wamin.
KP Singh, Mohd. Yousuf, Mohsin Ikram. First record on incidence and intensity of Phloeobius crassicollis Jord. (Anthribidae: Coleoptera) in natural bamboo stand, from India. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(2):879-883.