Study on adaptability, productive performance, economy and impact of Chara Chambelli duck in backyard system of rearing at Udalguri district of Assam
D Bharali, D Borah, P Rajbonshi and LJ Dutta
The present study was conducted on 600 Chara Chambelli duck reared in backyard system at Udalguri district of Assam under Tribal Sub Plan project. The overall body weight of female and male ducks at 5th month of age was recorded as 1364.23 ± 14.86 and 1477.22 ± 18.34 grams, respectively. Average age of duck at first egg laying was 154.57± 9.67 days. Annual egg production and egg weight was recorded as 169.33± 6.43numbers and 64.36 ± 2.25 grams, respectively. The benefit cost ratio of rearing drakes and duck was recorded as 2.27 and 1.82, respectively. Chara Chambelli duck can be reared more economically under backyard system of rearing, with low input traditional system than the local duck of Assam.
D Bharali, D Borah, P Rajbonshi, LJ Dutta. Study on adaptability, productive performance, economy and impact of Chara Chambelli duck in backyard system of rearing at Udalguri district of Assam. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(2):1041-1043.