Surgical management of atresia coli in a Holstein Friesian cross bred calf
Jobanjit Singh and Jasmeen Kaur
A 4 day old calf was presented to the Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, with the history of no fecal output since birth and progressive depression. On clinical examination, the abdomen of the animal was found to be severely distended and the contours of distended large intestinal loops were detected on palpation of right paralumbar fossa. Lateral abdominal radiograph of the abdomen revealed gaseous distension of the large intestine. Based on history and clinical examination findings diagnosis of atresia coli was made and surgical correction was done by done by performing end to side anastomosis of the blind end of the proximal colon with the descending colon using no. 2-0 polygalactin 910 under local analgesia using lignocaine 2%. An uneventful recovery was seen and it is concluded that the success of the treatment depends upon the early diagnosis of the condition and immediate surgical correction.