Checklist of avifauna from some selected sites of Visnagar city, Mehshana, North Gujarat
Aditya Parihar, Parin Dal, Yogesh Khandla, Dharmik Parmar, Vishal Parihar and Hiteshkumar Parmar
Birds play a very important role in the food web and food chain of the ecosystem. Data records were encompassed by visual encounter survey method at random with a total of 98 days of samplings by four man-hours. A total of 96 species of birds from 40 families and 86 genera were recorded from selected sites. Among all the sites, maximum number of genera, species, Simpson's diversity index, Simpson's reciprocal index and Shannon wiener’s species diversity were higher in the Pindariya lake site. 05 species were Nearly Threatened and single species Asian Woollyneck (Ciconia episcopus) was Venerable (IUCN, 2019). It is apparent that urban and rural areas of Visnagar city maintain avifaunal diversity and sustain the ecosystem services derived from them.
Aditya Parihar, Parin Dal, Yogesh Khandla, Dharmik Parmar, Vishal Parihar, Hiteshkumar Parmar. Checklist of avifauna from some selected sites of Visnagar city, Mehshana, North Gujarat. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(2):1232-1243.