Fetal arthrogryposis and agnathia associated with hydroallantois in Nili Ravi buffalo
Mahal JS, Thind AS and Sandhu HS
A 5 year old Nili Ravi Buffalo was presented with the history of full term gestation, sudden enlargement of abdominal cavity from the last 20 days and having problem while walking and sitting. Per vaginal examination of buffalo revealed that the cervix was closed and on per rectal examination it was observed that there was large amount of fluid in the uterus which occupies the pelvic brim, it was difficult to move hand per rectally. Based on history and clinical examination findings diagnosis of hydroallantois was made. The buffalo was treated with intramuscular cloprostenol sodium 500µg and Dexamethasone 40 mg. After two days of induction revealed four finger dilation of a cervix. Cervical massage was using warm sodium carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC) gel for complete cervical dilation. The oversized fetus was removed from uterus by performing complete fetotomy. It was concluded that cloprostenol sodium and Dexamethasone are effective for the induction of parturition in animals suffering from hydroallantois.