A rare case of antepartum rectal prolapse in a goat and its management: A case report
Rajesh Kumar, RP Diwakar, Ramakant, Safayat Husain and Kabir Alam
A goat with fifth parity was presented at Veterinary Clinical Complex, C.V.Sc.& A.H., ANDUAT, Kumarganj, Ayodhya (UP) with the history of bright red colour cylindrical mass protruding through anus. The case was diagnosed as class I rectal prolapse. The prolapsed mass was washed with potassium permanganate solution, smear with liquid paraffin, replaced in its normal position and truss was applied. Goat was administered with inj DNS, 500ml, i.v. once, inj Prednisolone, 2 ml, i.m. once and inj. Calcium Sandose, 20 ml, i.v. once in day for 2 days. After two days truss was removed and rectal prolapse not recur. Further, Four days after removal of truss, the goat gives birth to three kids and no recurrence of prolapse was noticed.
Rajesh Kumar, RP Diwakar, Ramakant, Safayat Husain, Kabir Alam. A rare case of antepartum rectal prolapse in a goat and its management: A case report. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(2):1285-1287.