Evaluation of different newer insecticides against mango hopper (Amritodus atkinsoni L.)
Arun Kumar, Rajendra Singh, Sucharu Singh, Sushant kumar and Deepak Singh Pal
A field trials were conducted carried out at the HRC, Siwaya farm of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agricultural and Technology, Meerut U.P., India during 2018-19 to manage the mango hopper, Amaritodus atkinsoniL, using chemical and bio insecticides. These was used of different treatments Dinutefuran 50% WP@ 0.005 > imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 0.005% > dimethoate 30 EC @ 0.005% > thiamethoxam 50 WG @ 0.01% >neemal oil @ 1500 PPM > NSKE @ 5% > Metarhizium anisopliae 1x108 cfu/ml > B. bassiana 1.0X108 cfu/ml. Dinutefuran proved most effective as 4.59 per cent mortality was recorded in it and it was statically superior over all the other treatments as well as untreated control and second Imidacloprid was also effective in suppressing Amritotus atkinsoni.