Integrated insect-pest and disease management for productivity enhancement in pulse crops
RP Singh, AK Singh, SP Upadhyay and RK Singh
Mahayogi Gorakhnath Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, conducted 175 and 35 demonstrations on pigeon pea and chickpea for productivity enhancementduring 2017-18 and 2018-19 respectively. The findings in respect of pigeon pea and chickpea, overall yield trend of demonstrations ranged from 12.77 to 17.32 q/ha and 17.56 to 19.23 q/ha and yield increase ranged from 36.70 to 42.55 per cent and 42.67 to 57.91 per cent over the local practices yield, respectively. The yield levels were considerably lower under existing practices because of considerable variation in the extent of adoption of improved technology with IPM strategies depending upon the amount of risk involved in terms of cost, convenience, skill and knowledge about the concerned practice. The average per cent reduction in affected plant/m2 and per cent reduction in affected pod/plant were recorded 47.88 and 40.63 in pigeon pea and 48.22 and 43.85 in chickpea, respectively. The overall disease reduction was recorded 44.55 per cent in pulse crops.Average gross returns and net returns of demonstration in pigeon pea and chickpea crops were 39.63 and 57.42 per cent and 56.57 and 88.28 per cent higher than the farmers’ practices respectively. Average benefit cost ratio was found higher throughout the study in pigeon pea and chickpea i.e. 3.47 and 3.27 respectively. The performance of improved technology with IPM practices was found significantly most effective in controlling least number of affected plants/m2 as well as least number of pods/plants and least disease incidence. The productivity was better over existing practices under demonstrations. Hence, pulses production and protection technology have a broad scope for increasing the area and production of pulses at each and every level i.e., Farmers, State and National level.
RP Singh, AK Singh, SP Upadhyay, RK Singh. Integrated insect-pest and disease management for productivity enhancement in pulse crops. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(2):1433-1440.