Therapeutic management of lantana associated hepatic and renal toxicity in a bullock: A case report
Ambica G, Abhinav Kumar Reddy G, Anil Kumar B and Ranjith Kumar S
Lantana is a shrub once grown as garden ornamental plant and is now a major weed across the world. A bullock of approximately 10 years age has brought to the Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, College of Veterinary Science, Korutla with the history of anorexia, extensive skin lesions and voiding scanty faeces since two days. According to the history of the owner has escaped and entered into another village and was found grazing on lantana plants. Owner has bought the plant to the clinic to show. On clinical examination it was evident that the bull was lean, dull, depressed with severely sunken eyeballs indicating severe dehydration and extensive red coloured peeled skin lesions of photosensitization in all the sun exposed areas. Dung, urine, blood and serum samples were analysed for the abnormalities. Biochemical analysis revealed very high levels of liver and kidney enzyme. Based on history, clinical signs and biochemical parameters, it was diagnosed to be a case of Lantana poisoning. The bull was treated with supportive therapy and provided proper care and management for recovery. After five days of therapy there was significant improvement in the condition with symptoms receding. Animal gradually returning to normalcy and became normal by day twenty indicating proper and timely supportive treatment is effective in ameliorating signs of Lantana poisoning.
Ambica G, Abhinav Kumar Reddy G, Anil Kumar B, Ranjith Kumar S. Therapeutic management of lantana associated hepatic and renal toxicity in a bullock: A case report. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(2):1502-1504.