Pathological investigation into outbreak of inclusion body hepatitis from poultry flocks
Shiyamala S, Mote Chandrashekhar S, Jadhav SN, Kadam AS and Kamdi BP
Present study is planned, In order to identify the agent of a suggestive clinical case of Inclusion body hepatitis that affected 1-10 week old broiler and layer flock poultry in and around college region in Satara and Pune district of western Maharashtra in the year 2016. Total 192 samples showing gross lesions, which were selected for the study. Selected birds had hepatomegaly with marked degenerative and necrotic changes on surface. Congested with soft and friable hepatic parenchyma. Petechial hemorrhages were noted on the liver surface with diffuse involvement of both lobes. Histological analysis revealed reflection of gross lesions. Hepatitis with presence of intranuclear inclusion bodies and marked necrotic and inflammatory changes of hepatic parenchyma. Polymerase chain reaction revealed the amplican of 0.897 kb in agarose gel eletrophorosis. It was concluded that polymerase chain reaction has emerged as the method of choice for detection of inclusion body hepatitis birds.