Evaluation of different bio-pesticides against aphid on okra
BB Gaikwad, BB Bhosle and BV Bhede
An experiment including both the chemicals, botonicals and biorational-insecticides has been conducted to evaluate their efficacy against aphid on okra. The results revealed that during both the years, most superior treatment for management of aphid on okra was thiamethoxam 25 WG followed by emamectin benzoate 5 SG, NSKE 5%, neem oil 0.2%, Dashparni ark 0.6%, Verticillium lecanii 0.4% and Metarhizium + Beauveria bassiana 0.4%. Beauveria bassiana 0.4%, Biomix 0.3%, Karanj oil 0.5% and Eucalyptus oil 0.2% which was statistically at par with each other. The highest aphid population was noticed in untreated plot.