A case of prolonged gestation and breech presentation with abnormal fetus having cleft palate-lip complex
Ashutosh Basera, Ankit Negi, Jitendra K Agrawal, Vikash Sachan and Atul Saxena
A pluriparous Holstein Friesian Crossbreed cattle was presented at Veterinary Clinical Complex DUVASU, Mathura with the history of prolonged gestation (10 month 5 days) with bilateral abdominal enlargement and loss of appetite since one month. Animal was off-feed in the past 2 days. Respiration rate, heart rate, temperature was within normal range. Per-vaginal examination revealed closed cervix. Per-rectal examination revealed large fluid filled uterus, placentome and fetus. Parturition was induced. After 28 hours of induction, second prostaglandin treatment also given. Fetus was in breech presentation. A dead male abnormal fetus having cleft palate-lip complex was delivered by assistance.
Ashutosh Basera, Ankit Negi, Jitendra K Agrawal, Vikash Sachan, Atul Saxena. A case of prolonged gestation and breech presentation with abnormal fetus having cleft palate-lip complex. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(3):1043-1045.