Evaluation of seminal parameters associated with subfertility in sahiwal bulls
Anil Kumar, Ashish Chauhan, Rakesh Kumar, Archana Singh, Tavsief Ahmed, Ankit Magotra, AK Gupta and BR Yadav
The present study was conducted on Sahiwal bulls maintained at Artificial Breeding Research Centre (ABRC), National Dairy research Institute (NDRI), Karnal, with an objective to evaluate seminal parameters associated with sub-fertility. Based on the available record at ABRC, 9 sahiwal bulls were selected and classified into three categories, viz, 3 bulls in poor semen freezability, 3 bulls in poor semen quality and 3 bulls in normal. All the seminal parameter evaluated under study i.e., mass motility, individual motility, live percent (non-eosinophilic) count, sperm concentration, hypo-osmotic swelling test, and post-thaw motility showed significant association between different categories of bull (P<0.05) except ejaculate volume and A.I %. The normal bulls revealed comparatively higher mean values for all the seminal parameters under study that need to be exploited for routine seminal examination for selection and propagation of superior germplasm. However, validation of results on large number of samples needs to be warranted.