Diversity of insect pests and their natural enemies infesting sal (Shorea robusta Garten f.) in Odisha
Dr. MK Tripathy, G Parida and MC Behera
A field experiment was carried out at five different sites of Odishaie. at Silvicultural Research Station, Bhubaneswar, Barbara Reserve Forest, Khurdha district, Udala Reserve Forest, Athamlik, Angul district, Keonjhar forest Division, Keonjhar district, Bali, Cuttack district during the month of July 2018 to June 2019, to study the diversity of insect pests associated with Sal (Shorea robusta Garten f. ) In Odisha and occurrence of their natural enemies. A total of 33 numbers of Phytophagus insects found in five different sites of Odisha were recorded and categorized into 5 classes based on their nature of damage. The important foliage feeders were Myllocerus beetle, Hawk moth, Sal defoliators, Chaffer beetle, Green drab, June beetle, Tent caterpillar, semiloopers etc. and sap feeders were Sal psyllid, Leaf hopper, Stink bug, tiny weevil, Cow bug, Gandhi bug etc. However, stem borers were found more damaging and causing more economic losses such as Hoplocerambyx spinicornis, Sissoo stem borer, Mango stem borer, Metallic wood borers etc. Three bark feeder species were recorded such as Odonotermis obesus, Microtermis obesi, Indarbela quadrinotata. Only root feeder sp. found during the study was white grub. A total of 39 sp. of natural enemies were recorded during study period including 7 bird spp. and 2 reptile spp. and one amphibian sp six species of spiders and 23 spp. of insects which needs proper conservation for avoiding future economic losses.
Dr. MK Tripathy, G Parida, MC Behera. Diversity of insect pests and their natural enemies infesting sal (Shorea robusta Garten f.) in Odisha. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(3):1812-1822.