Molecular screening of Nilaparvata lugens (Brown plant hopper) resistance genes in Hasanta rice variety using SSR markers
Dibyarani, SK Pradhan, LK Rath, S Panda and DN Bastia
The menace of Brown Plant Hopper has been a problem mainly in the rice growing regions of India. Hasanta variety, reported to be resistant to Nilaparvata lugen, at the phenotypic level in the field has been chosen in this study to confirm the presence of resistance genes against BPH in it. This paper focuses on the molecular validation part of the experiment. Six flanking SSR markers were selected for one major resistant gene (BPH31) and three QTLs (qBPH4.3, qBPH4.4 and qBPH9). The outcomes were compared with a resistant check; CRCPT 2 and a susceptible check; TN1. The banding pattern of gel electrophoresis studies for the genomic DNA has confirmed the presence of one major resistance gene BPH31 and minor QTLs, qBPH4.3, qBPH4.4 and BPH9. It was validated that the resistance displayed by Hasanta variety is due to the presence of these genes and further expression studies can be carried out to study their functional proteins.