Standardization of technology for the preparation of goat milk paneer
Lokendra Singh, Umesh S Suradkar, Dinesh M Chavhan, Praveen Kumar, Karishma Rathore, Narendra Singh Rathore and Mukesh Sharma
The present investigation was undertaken to standardize a technology for the preparation of a good quality goat milk paneer using calcium chloride. Different levels of calcium chloride were used like C1 (0.08%), C2 (0.10%) and C3 (0.12%). Paneer prepared with 0.10 percent calcium chloride had moderately acceptable general appearance, body and texture taste and flavour and overall acceptability. Hence, a level of 0.10 percent calcium chloride was selected for preparation of goat milk paneer. In the development of a modified method different coagulation temperature were used like T1 (75 °C), T2 (80 °C) and T3 (85 °C) and different strength of citric acid solution as coagulant were used like S1 (1%), S2 (2%) and S3 (3%). Based on preliminary trials, it was found that a coagulation temperature of 850C and use of 1.0 percent citric acid solution as coagulant was most suitable for preparation of goat milk paneer. In the standardized technology, 5.0 percent fat milk added with 0.10 percent calcium chloride was subjected to heating at 90 °C with no holding followed by cooling to 85 °C and adding 1 percent citric acid solution as coagulant.