Field evaluation of insecticides against thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood) in chilli
Arundhati Sasmal, S Das, PK Sarangi, S Panda, D Khulbe and P Samant
The field experiments were conducted at Regional Research and Technology Transfer Station (RRTTS), Coastal Zone, Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology (OUAT), Bhubaneswar to evaluate some insecticides with different modes of action against thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood) during Rabi, 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19 in chilli variety ‘Utkal Ava’. The seeds were treated with imidacloprid 600FS @5ml/kg in all the treatments except untreated control plot. Acetamiprid 20%SP @10g a.i./ha, spinosad 45%SC @73g a.i./ha, fenpyroximate 5%EC @30g a.i./ha, emamectin benzoate 5%SG @10g a.i./ha, fipronil 80%WG @ 50g a.i./ha, spiromesifen 22.9%SC @ 96g a.i./ha, acephate 75%SP @500g a.i./ha and dimethoate 30%EC @300g a.i./ha were applied as foliar spray at 30 and 45 days after transplanting in the treatment modules T1 to T8 respectively. The untreated check treatment (T9) was devoid of chemical insecticide spray. The pooled mean population of thrips derived from three experimental seasons indicated that fipronil 80%WG @ 50g a.i./ha and spiromesifen 22.9%SC @ 96g a.i./ha were at par in effectiveness against chilli thrips where 1.01 and 1.07 thrips/leaf were recorded respectively. Spiromesifen 22.9%SC @ 96g a.i./ha was found to be very much safe to predators such as spiders throughout the three experimental seasons (1.60 spiders/plant). Highest green chilli yield (92.1q /ha) was obtained from spiromesifen 22.9%SC @ 96g a.i./ha treated plot which contributed net income (Rs171600/ha) and benefit cost ratio (2.64). Fipronil 80%WG treated plot recorded second highest yield (87.9 q/ha) with net income of Rs159613/ha and B:C ratio (2.53).
Arundhati Sasmal, S Das, PK Sarangi, S Panda, D Khulbe, P Samant. Field evaluation of insecticides against thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood) in chilli. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(4):770-775.