Nature and symptoms of damage by Stromatium barbatum (Cerambycidae: Coleoptera) a new pest of grapevines in Karnataka
Sunitha ND and Shrikant S Chavan
New stem borer was appeared in the grape orchards of Vijayapura district (Karnataka. India). Investigations were carried out on the identity of the pest, its nature of damage, the typical symptoms it produced. The new pest was identified as Stromatium barbatum. (Cerambycidae: Coleoptera). Pest deposited eggs in the cracks and crevices on the grape vine. Grubs (0.03-9.35/cordon) formed irregular tunnels and many galleries tightly packed with very fine powdery frass. Under heavy infestations, tunnels and galleries interlaced so the interior of the wood is reduced to fine powder but exterior surfaces were left intact. Creamy white execrate pupae were seen in galleries. Adults immediately after emergence were seen within the galleries or tunnels before they came out by cutting near circular exit holes. Leaves didn’t show any symptoms of chlorosis. Cordons loaded with grubs failed to bear fruit bunches. This is the first report on S. barbatum on grapes from Karnataka.
Sunitha ND, Shrikant S Chavan. Nature and symptoms of damage by Stromatium barbatum (Cerambycidae: Coleoptera) a new pest of grapevines in Karnataka. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(4):836-842.