Surimi powder: Processing technology and potential application
Subham Bakli, S Nath, S Chowdhury and K Pati
Surimi refers to concentrated myofibrillar protein extracted from fish flesh by washing minced meat, separated from bones, skin, and guts with added cryoprotectant and is kept under frozen storage as block form. With the advancement of food technology, surimi is converted to dry surimi powder to use in dry mixing that could help industries to modify the formulation of surimi-derived products, especially surimi powder fortified value-added products, resulting in more homogenous blends and easier protein standardization, thus improving the nutritional quality and amino acid profile of cereal based snack products like pasta, noodles, biscuits, spaghetti etc. to satisfy the consumer preference of low-carbohydrate, protein and fiber rich ready-to-cook food products, and consumer gets the nutrition from fish; this leads to economic empowerment as well as development of a country aiming at achieving self-confidence and financial independence to fight the social disparities, livelihood insecurities and social barriers.