Comparative evaluation of three different laparotomy approaches for ovariohysterectomy in bitches
Dhaleshwari, Raju Sharda, Rukmani Dewangan, MO Kalim, Nutan Panchkhande, SK Sidar, SK Yadav, Devendra Yadav and Mayank Singh
The study was carried out to compare three different laparotomy approaches for ovariohysterectomy in bitches. The animals were divided into three groups based on laparotomy approaches for ovariohysterectomy are Group I (Ventral abdominal midline), II (Right flank) and III (Left flank) consisting of 6 animals each. The following parameters were studied viz., length of surgical incision, operative haemorrhage, ease of exteriorization of uterus and ovaries, ease of ligation of uterus and ovaries, duration of operation and cost of surgery (length of suture materials), wound appearance, duration of wound healing and post operative herniation / evisceration. The mean length of surgical incision (cm) was 8.17 ± 0.65, 4.88 ± 0.44 and 5.07 ± 0.34 for Group I, Group II and Group III respectively. The length of surgical incision was comparatively less in right flank approach. The mean duration of operation (min) was 44.25 ± 3.50, 40.5± 2.88 and 42.17 ±2.18 in Group I, Group II and Group III respectively. The mean duration of wound healing (days) was 14.17 ± 1.38, 10.17 ± 0.31 and 11.67 ± 0.56 in Group I, Group II and Group III respectively. Minimum duration of wound healing and uneventful recovery was observed in Group II. It is concluded that ovariohysterectomy through Right flank laparotomy is superior to other two approaches due to less duration of surgery, less suture material required, faster wound healing and minimum post operative complications.
Dhaleshwari, Raju Sharda, Rukmani Dewangan, MO Kalim, Nutan Panchkhande, SK Sidar, SK Yadav, Devendra Yadav, Mayank Singh. Comparative evaluation of three different laparotomy approaches for ovariohysterectomy in bitches. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(4):872-877.