Epidemiology and management of stemphylium blight of garlic caused by Stemphylium vasicarium (Wallr.)
Upesh Kumar, Prem Naresh and Suresh Kumar
The diseasestemphylium blight mostly developed when temperature ranged between 16.42 °C to 17.40 °C minimum and 31.0 °C to 33.90 °C maximum as well as relative humidity 63.10 to 63.60 per cent respectively. For the management strategy of the disease, when garlic was sown in single row along with carrot in double row as inter cropping, the disease was minimum 26%, it was due to secreting the secondary plant substances by companion crop (carrot), which affects the intensity of pathogen. In sowing time study, affect on disease intensity was affected by sowing 1stOctober; there was less disease intensity (40.50% and 38.20% in 2003-04 and2004-05 respectively) as compared to sowing on 1stDecember. In term of yield q/ha., there were maximum yield 112.60 and 110.8 respectively in 16th October sowing crop in both the year (2003-04 and 2004-05). In varietal screening, twenty four varieties / germplasm were screened under natural conditions. None of the varieties / germplasm was found immune, resistant and moderately resistant. The six varieties/germplasm were found to be moderately susceptible (MS), six varieties / germplasm were susceptible (S) and remaining twelve varieties /germplasms were found to be highly susceptible. Screening of six extract of plant species viz. Azadirachta indica, Datura metel, Lantana camara, parthenium hyserophores, Ocium spp.and Argimone mexicana etc. were tested In vitro against Stemphylium vasicariumand found that plant extract of Azadirachta indica gave (66.5 per cent) and Datura metel gave (64.5 per cent) in habitation over control.