Production performance comparison of lactating buffaloes on feeding of total mixed ration versus conventional feeding
S Kerketta, SS Sarangdevot, PS Naruka, CP Pachauri, S Verma, SS Bhadauria, AK Singh and JP Singh
Total mixed ration is a balanced feed mixture that improves feed utilization thus improving reproductive and productive performance of animals. In present study a total of 40 lactating buffaloes were selected and categorized into two groups having 20 buffaloes each. Control group (T0) animals were on conventional feeding practice and treatment group (T1) was fed with TMR in a early lactation period of 120 days. The average milk yield (kg/d) was found significantly higher (P<0.05) in T1 (7.90±0.14) than T0 (6.82±0.11) with average increase milk yield by 1.13 L/day. TMR fed buffaloes also showed increased milk protein content (3.15 Vs 3.3%). The milk fat %, SNF also found higher in T1 with no significant difference. Percent increase in milk yield found to be 14.3% by TMR feeding. Thus it can be concluded that TMR is cost effective and can serve as a potential balanced ration for the lactating buffaloes for the enhancement of productivity.
S Kerketta, SS Sarangdevot, PS Naruka, CP Pachauri, S Verma, SS Bhadauria, AK Singh, JP Singh. Production performance comparison of lactating buffaloes on feeding of total mixed ration versus conventional feeding. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(4):1657-1660.