Effect of Heterodera avenae and Urocystis agropyri on chlorophyll content of wheat at different sowing times
Lochan Sharma, RS Kanwar, Gurpreet Singh and Renu Munjal
A pot experiment was conducted to find out the effect of Heterodera avenae and Urocystis agropyri on chlorophyll content of wheat at different sowing times in rabi season 2018-19 under screen house conditions. SPAD (Soil Plant Analysis Development) chlorophyll content was measured at 30, 40, 50 and 60 days after sowing and plant growth parameters (plant height, plant weight) at crop maturity. Wheat sown in last week of November shown maximum reduction in plant height and weight where fungus and nematode inoculated simultaneously. SPAD chlorophyll content was increased from 30-60 days after sowing and maximum at 60 days after sowing. Chlorophyll per cent reduction increased from 30-60 days after sowing and maximum reduction was observed at 60 days after sowing (23.11%) in nematode and fungus inoculated simultaneously. Chlorophyll reduction was maximum in last week of November (24.73%) followed by second week of December (22.66%) and first week of November (21.92%). Disease incidence was same in all the treatment where U. agropyri was inoculated. Nematode population was maximum in wheat sown in last week of November.
Lochan Sharma, RS Kanwar, Gurpreet Singh, Renu Munjal. Effect of Heterodera avenae and Urocystis agropyri on chlorophyll content of wheat at different sowing times. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(4):2064-2067.