A clinical study on the surgical management of cranial meningocele in a crossbred jersey calf
Nisha A, Jisha KJ, Ranjith M and Sidhique SA
A seven-day-old female Jersey crossbred calf with cranial meningocele to the size of a baseball was presented to Veterinary Polyclinic, Mannarkkad, Kerala. The deformity was operated under xylazine anesthesia. The hernial ring was towards the medial suture line of the frontal bone. The cranial defect was corrected by apposing with the meningeal membranes to the cranium. The protruding extra meningeal membranes were removed. The surgical wound was closed using braided silk in simple interrupted pattern and post-operative care was given. Animal had an uneventful recovery.
Nisha A, Jisha KJ, Ranjith M, Sidhique SA. A clinical study on the surgical management of cranial meningocele in a crossbred jersey calf. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(4):2424-2426.