Survey on the abundance of major insect pests and diseases and their management approaches in different chilli growing areas of Jamalpur region
Md. Abdul Mannan, Md. Mosharraf Hossain and Md. Mashiur Rahamn
A study on the abundance of major insect pest(s) and disease(s) in chilli and their management approaches in different chilli growing areas of Jamalpur region was conducted during the period from May to September 2017. It is revealed from the study that 100% farmers opined that sucking insect pests (thrips and mite) and choanephora disease are considered to be mostly affected items in all the locations. On an average 6.57%, 10.61%, 44.94% and 53.46% famers indicated that chilli suffers from bacterial wilt, borer complex (Spodopteralitura and Helicoverpaarmigera), Fusarium wilt and cutworm, respectively. From the farmers’ opinion, it clearly understood that chilli is a crop which is certainly to be attacked by sucking insect pests and choanephora disease. Farmers were misguided by the pesticide dealers to spray pesticides unnecessarily in chilli crops. Most of the farmers (88.86%) indicated that it is difficult to control chilli pests. A few farmers (11.14%) thought that it is controllable. Farmers spray pesticides with the interval of 2.61 days only and the total number of sprays was 43.58 in a season for chilli production. It is alarming that 86.13% farmers did not take any precaution measures during spraying time.
Md. Abdul Mannan, Md. Mosharraf Hossain, Md. Mashiur Rahamn. Survey on the abundance of major insect pests and diseases and their management approaches in different chilli growing areas of Jamalpur region. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(5):113-116.