Transfer of ICM technologies in enhancement of Redgram production through frontline demonstrations in Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh
M Ganga Devi, Ch. Anil Kumar and M Yugandhar Kumar
The cluster frontline demonstration (CFLDs) on Redgram was conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, lam, Guntur in two villages namely Narakullapadu and Vengalaipalem of Guntur district during the kharif season of 2016-17. The results revealed that in demonstrated plot T2 (improved seed of LRG-41 + seed treatment (Trichoderma viridi 5 g/kg+ Rhizobium sp. 25 g/kg ) + Soil application of ( PSB 500 g/acre) + pre emergence herbicide application (pendimethalin 1 L/acre) + plant protection (Pheromone trap 4 no./acre + Maruca lures 8 no)+ micronutrients (Multi-K 2kg/ acre) recorded average highest yield 14.65 q/ha whereas 12.85 q/ha in farmers practice. 2.6:1 and 1.7:1 Benefit cost ratio recorded in demonstrated and farmers practice plots. It can be concluded that the pigeonpea production could be enhanced by encouraging the farmers through adoption of integrated crop management practices coupled with improved variety which were followed in the CFLDs.
M Ganga Devi, Ch. Anil Kumar, M Yugandhar Kumar. Transfer of ICM technologies in enhancement of Redgram production through frontline demonstrations in Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(5):620-622.