The experiment were carried out under field conditions during two consecutive crop season Rabi,2017-18 and 2018-19 at five Farmer field at Acharya Narendra Deva University of Agriculture & Technology, Narendra Nagar (Kumarganj), Ayodhya (U.P.). During the course of investigation “Study on population dynamics of H. armigera in chickpea” revealed that the maximum larvae were recorded in the 10th SMW and 9th SMW with respective larval population of 3.15 & 3.16 during Rabi, 2017-18 and Rabi, 2018-19, respectively and Minimum over all mean larvae recorded in 45th SMW were 0.24 & 0.39 larvae/ plant during Rabi, 2017-18 and Rabi, 2018-19. It is evident from data that larval population showed non-significant negative correlation with minimum temperature (-0.050), relative humidity (-0.349) and rainfall (-0.063) while maximum temperature showed non-significant positive correlation (0.088) during Rabi, 2017-18. During 2018-19 the larval population showed non-significant negative correlation with minimum temperature, maximum temperature and rainfall (-0.403), (-0.022) and (-0.060) while relative humidity showed non-significant with positive correlation (0.149).