Histo-morphological studies of testis & epididymis of Panthera leo persica
SR Paul, B Debroy, BK Sarkar, S Das and Dr. S Nandi
In the present investigation, the anatomical study of testes and epididymis of a 15 year old Asiatic lion revealed that the oval shaped testis were located outside the abdominal cavity within the scrotum in pair. The morphometrical profile of right testis was higher than the left one. The body of epididymis passes at dorso-lateral face of testes. Microscopically thick tunica albuginea and tunica vagainalis of testis was composed of abundant connective tissue. The testicular mass was composed of seminiferous tubules of variable sizes with various generations of spermatogenic cell. The elongated large Sertoli cells were few in number with basally located dark stained nuclei. Spermatigonium cells were seen at the basal compartment. Large active primary spermatocytes were seen with mitotic figures. The rounded spermatid cells were faintly stained. Spermatozoa were seen in the lumen attached with the free end of the Sertoli cells. Flat elongated myoid cells were seen at the basement membrane of seminiferous tubule. The epididymal ducts were lined by a pseudo stratified ciliated columnar epithelium cells with stereo cillia. Smooth muscle and abundant connective tissue fibers were seen around the epididymal duct wall. Clumps of spermatozoa were also clearly visible at the lumen of epididymal duct.
SR Paul, B Debroy, BK Sarkar, S Das, Dr. S Nandi. Histo-morphological studies of testis & epididymis of Panthera leo persica. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(5):1782-1785.