Broiler poultry rearing in northern districts of Tamil Nadu: The economic dimensions
G Srinivasan, M Prabu, KN Selvakumar, R Narendra Babu and A Serma Saravana Pandian
The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the factors influencing profitability of broiler farming in Vellore, Tirupattur, Ranipet, Dharmapuri and Krishnagiri districts of Tamil Nadu using the profit function regression model for contract and non-contract broiler farmers. Data were collected form 90 broiler rearing contract and non contract farmers. The factors considered in the model were Multiple linear regression function to study the factors influencing Profit per kilogram of broiler meat were age, gender, educational status of farmers, experience, regular disinfection, period of rest between batches, quantity of feed consumed, mortality rate, access to credit, and status of contract farming. Among the 11 independent variables used in the analysis, the variables age of the farmers, experience of the farmers, flock size, mortality rate, access to credit and status of contract farming were found to influence the profitability of broiler farming at 1 per cent level (P< 0.01). Among these significant variables age, experience, flock size, access to credit and status of contract farming found to have positive influence over profitability of broiler farming in the study area. The variable mortality rate had negative impact on the profitability of broiler farms.
G Srinivasan, M Prabu, KN Selvakumar, R Narendra Babu, A Serma Saravana Pandian. Broiler poultry rearing in northern districts of Tamil Nadu: The economic dimensions. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(6):336-338.