Annoyance to sheep by dipteran flies, Haematopota nathani and Stenopogon ambryon in the pasture area of Kodai hills, Tamil Nadu, India
Govindasamy Nagarajan
The present study was carried out to identify the flies creating annoyance to sheep in the grazing area of SRRC, Mannavanur. Two different kinds of flies were caught from the pasture area by graziers during April 2020. With the help of Dept. of Agricultural Entomology, Centre for Plant Protection studies, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, it was identified that Haematopota nathani (Cleg fly)and Stenopogon ambryon (Robber fly) were the two dipteran flies causing annoyance and painful bite in sheep and graziers. H. nathani is the holotype found in Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, India and the identification of S. ambryon at SRRC, Mannavanur is the first report. Due to the annoyance of these two flies, the problems such as inadequate grass feeding, allergic reactions and weight loss to some extent were observed among sheep. It is recommended that the usage of the ideal trap methods to catch these Cleg flies and Robber flies, Bush cleaning in the grazing area of SRRC, Mannavanur, the studies on the vector potential of H. nathani in the transmission of the infectious diseases such as Bovine Viral Diarrhoea, Anthrax and Brucellosis in sheep and the effects of the salivary secretions of S. ambryon on the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of sheep would have been attempted for future prospective aspects of the present study.
Govindasamy Nagarajan. Annoyance to sheep by dipteran flies, Haematopota nathani and Stenopogon ambryon in the pasture area of Kodai hills, Tamil Nadu, India. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(6):402-406.