Population dynamics of shoot and fruit borer, Earias spp. infesting Okra
Sumitra Choudhary and Ashok Sharma
A field study was conducted during Rainy season 2015-16 to observe the population dynamics of shoot and fruit borer, Earias spp. infesting okra under field conditions. The infestation of shoot and fruit borer on shoots of okra commenced in the 2nd week of August (2.10%) which gradually increased and reached to peak (15.50%) in the last week of September. The maximum temperature had significant positive correlation, while remaining abiotic factors showed non significant correlation with shoot infestation. The infestation of pest on fruits started in the last week of August i.e. 35 SMW (4.70%) which gradually increased and reached to peak (22.40%) in the 4th week of October i.e. 43 SMW. The infestation of Earias spp. on fruits of okra showed significant negative correlation with minimum temperature and relative humidity while, maximum temperature and rainfall had non-significant correlation.