Study of biodiversity of wasps and bees in Kota, Rajasthan, India
Dr. Kusum Dang and Deoteema Doi
Studies on diversity and distribution of insects are pre- requisites for biodiversity conservation. Wasps and bees both play important roles in ecosystem. The present study forms a part of evaluation of hymenopteran fauna (wasps and bees) in selected areas of Kota. And provides information about a good assemblage of species of wasps and bees in Kota, Rajasthan. The present study was performed in two chosen sites. Site 1 was Government College Kota Campus, Kota and Site 2 was Herbal Park, Kota. The study was conducted from January 2019 to May 2019. A total of 11 species of wasps and bees belonging to 6 families were observed and identified during the study from both the sites. 9 of them were identified up to species level and 2 up to genus level. Out of 11 species identified, 4 were of bees and rest 7 were of wasps. Species were also classified as abundant, occasional and rare based on field observations. 4 species of them were abundant, 4 species were occasional and 3 species were rare. Results of college campus show that, among bees, Family Apidae was most dominant with highest number of individuals and Apis dorsata Fabricius was most abundant; and among wasps, Family Vespidae was most abundant and Polistes hebraeus was most abundant species. Results of Herbal Park show that, among bees, Family Apidae was most dominant with highest number of individuals and Apis dorsata Fabricius was most abundant species; and among wasps, Family Scoliidae and Family Vespidae were dominant with highest number of individuals and Polistes hebraeus was most abundant species. Apis dorsata Fabricius and Polistes hebraeus were found abundant in both the sites. At last, Diversity indices were calculated to compare species richness and evenness in both the selected sites. Simpson’s index of diversity and Shannon-Weiner Index were calculated for both the sites. The results showed that diversity indices were higher for site 2: Herbal Park, Kota than for site 1: Government College Kota Campus, Kota.