Disease investigation of a dead in shell embryo in a desi chicken farm at Dindigul district of Tamil Nadu
Dashprakash M, Udhayavel S, Ramya R and Vijayarajan A
The desi chicken, once domesticated in backyards and reared in free range for house hold purposes is gaining commercial market. In this study, a disease investigation was undertaken in a newly started desi chicken farm in Dindigul district upon the farmer’s report. The embryonic death with no other clinical signs except low hatchability and dead in shell embryo was reported by the farmer. The etiology was identified based on growth characteristics, colony morphology and bio chemical characterization of the bacteriological agent. The etiology was diagnosed as Pseudomonas sp. which is common in broiler chicken, but the clinical disease in desi chicken is rarely encountered. The farmer was advised to use water sanitizers, disinfectants for the disinfection of farm premises and equipments. The hatchability gradually increased after the treatment of birds and implementation of disinfectant practices. This disease investigation signifies the biosecurity measures and basic sanitation to be followed in desi chicken flock maintained free range.
Dashprakash M, Udhayavel S, Ramya R, Vijayarajan A. Disease investigation of a dead in shell embryo in a desi chicken farm at Dindigul district of Tamil Nadu. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(6):878-879.