Screening of different brinjal cultivars/genotypes against sucking insect pest of brinjal
NK Berani, JJ Patel and HD Zinzuvadiya
The present investigations on screening of different brinjal cultivars/genotypes against sucking insect pest of brinjal were carried out under field condition during Kharif 2018-19 and 2019-20 at College Farm, N. M. College of Agriculture, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari. Amond the different sixteen cultivars/genotypes, minimum aphid, jassid, whitefly as well as mite population found in GJLB – 4 and JBGR – 1, GJLB – 4 and Surati Ravaiya, GJLB – 4 and Pusa Purple Cluster as well as Pusa Purple Cluster and GJB – 3 while, maximum recorded in Panjab Sadabahar and GOB – 1, GJB – 2 and GOB – 1, KS – 224 and GOB – 1 as well as GJB – 2 and Arka Nidhi, respectively. Based on population of aphid, jassid, whitefly and mite, genotypes/cultivars GJLB – 4, JBGR – 1, Pusa Purple Cluster, GBL – 2 and GJB – 3 found tolerant; GOB – 1 and GJB – 2 found susceptible. For the yield point of view, GOB – 1 recorded significant higher yield while, GJLB – 4 recorded significantly lower fruit yield.
NK Berani, JJ Patel, HD Zinzuvadiya. Screening of different brinjal cultivars/genotypes against sucking insect pest of brinjal. J Entomol Zool Stud 2020;8(6):1582-1587.