Seasonal incidence of brinjal shoot and fruit borer, Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee, during Kharif season
Sharayu Patil and Uttam Hole
The field experiment was carried out at Post Graduate Institute, Research Field of Department of Agricultural Entomology, MPKV, Rahuri during Kharif 2018 and Kharif 2019. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Block Design. Brinjal seedlings were transplanted during 32nd standard metrological week (first week of August).The peak per cent shoot damage was noticed around 40th standard metrological week (first week of October) during Kharif season. Similarly per cent fruit damage was reached its maximum at 45th standard metrological week (first week of November). The correlation studies revealed that the damage by Leucinodesorbonalis on brinjal shoots showed significant positive correlation with maximum temperature and minimum temperature while, non-significant positive correlation with morning relative humidity, evening relative humidity and sunshine hrs. The per cent shoot damage showed negative correlation with rainfall. The correlation studies revealed that the damage by Leucinodesorbonalis on brinjal fruits showed significant negative correlation with minimum temperature, morning relative humidity and evening relative humidity whereas, non-significant negative correlation with rainfall. The per cent fruit damage showed significant positive correlation with sunshine hrs and non-significant positive correlation with maximum temperature.