Population dynamics and structure of rodents in arid ecosystem of district Hisar (Haryana) India
Neetu, Ravikant, Anju and Tejpal Dahiya
The present investigation was carried out in arid zone of CCS Haryana Agricultural University Hisar (Haryana) where Tatera indica was found most prevalent as field rodent followed by Rattus rattus and Funambulus penneti. The maximum population of T. indica had been observed during November followed by October and December, whereas Mus musculus was meager in dry land area comparatively. The trap indices were highest in the month of October and rodent numbers were highest in first week of experimental time period.
Neetu, Ravikant, Anju, Tejpal Dahiya. Population dynamics and structure of rodents in arid ecosystem of district Hisar (Haryana) India. J Entomol Zool Stud 2021;9(1):334-337. DOI: 10.22271/j.ento.2021.v9.i1e.8166