Volume and price behaviour of root and tuber crops: The case of Trinidad and Tobago
G Kathiravan and Jessica Churaman
Market prices of root crops are influenced by many economic factors along with their volume arrivals and lagged prices. This study seeks to analyse the behaviour of volume arrivals and wholesale prices of selected roots and tuber crops. Monthly wholesale prices and trade volumes for 2006-2015 were derived from the NAMDEVCO database. Linear growth rates were calculated and coefficients of variations were assessed. Seasonality index was worked out and lagged prices were tested to identify any relation with current prices. The results of this study could be used to guide policy decisions and production planning towards market stabilization.
G Kathiravan, Jessica Churaman. Volume and price behaviour of root and tuber crops: The case of Trinidad and Tobago. J Entomol Zool Stud 2021;9(1):405-410.